Whilst there are many different car insurance deals to be found, some of the best might come from rather unexpected sources. If you thought you were just heading to Kwik Fit to get a new tyre fitted or for your annual M.O.T. it’s altogether possible that you could leave with a lot more than you bargained for. Kwik Fit has expanded their horizons and the business is now comprised of many different components. The Kwik Fit Group has many strings to its bow, of which insurance forms a considerable portion. It’s not only car insurance that’s available either, it’s home insurance, pet insurance, travel insurance and breakdown cover as well. But to focus in on one thing in particular, here’s a brief rundown of some of Kwik Fit’s attractive offers as part of their car insurance package.
Firstly, as with several good car insurance providers, Kwik Fit offer up to 20% reduction off their usual prices when you choose to buy online. As the running costs for businesses are lower when there’s less staff involved, letting a computer take care of your insurance requirements will mean that this saving gets passed on to you, and you’ll feel the benefit each month when your direct debits are that bit less than they might have been if you’d chosen to open a policy over the phone or in person.
What’s more, Kwik Fit guarantees that you will get a courtesy car should your own vehicle be taken off the road for an extended period. Seeing as cars, these days, are almost always crucial to everyday life, from getting to work and back, to picking up the kids from school to doing the supermarket shopping, should yours be out of action for a while, this could be a bonus to your insurance for which you’re incredibly grateful.
Thirdly, if you choose to open a fully comprehensive policy instead of the slightly cheaper, but somewhat riskier, third party insurance option, Kwik Fit will give you full glass cover at no extra cost – something which is not always included in all car insurance policies.
Kwik Fit might not seem the obvious choice at first, but once you’ve investigated their policies both for car and other types of insurance you could be persuaded otherwise. In any case, it always pays to shop around and do your research in order to make an informed decision, whichever kind of policy you choose, no matter who your insurance provider is.
Kwik Fit Insurance offer cheap car insurance online for all major UK car brands, including Vauxhall, Peugeot and Ford.
Article Source: http://www.directorys.uniquearticles.info
Firstly, as with several good car insurance providers, Kwik Fit offer up to 20% reduction off their usual prices when you choose to buy online. As the running costs for businesses are lower when there’s less staff involved, letting a computer take care of your insurance requirements will mean that this saving gets passed on to you, and you’ll feel the benefit each month when your direct debits are that bit less than they might have been if you’d chosen to open a policy over the phone or in person.
What’s more, Kwik Fit guarantees that you will get a courtesy car should your own vehicle be taken off the road for an extended period. Seeing as cars, these days, are almost always crucial to everyday life, from getting to work and back, to picking up the kids from school to doing the supermarket shopping, should yours be out of action for a while, this could be a bonus to your insurance for which you’re incredibly grateful.
Thirdly, if you choose to open a fully comprehensive policy instead of the slightly cheaper, but somewhat riskier, third party insurance option, Kwik Fit will give you full glass cover at no extra cost – something which is not always included in all car insurance policies.
Kwik Fit might not seem the obvious choice at first, but once you’ve investigated their policies both for car and other types of insurance you could be persuaded otherwise. In any case, it always pays to shop around and do your research in order to make an informed decision, whichever kind of policy you choose, no matter who your insurance provider is.
Kwik Fit Insurance offer cheap car insurance online for all major UK car brands, including Vauxhall, Peugeot and Ford.
Article Source: http://www.directorys.uniquearticles.info